May 27, 2024

What Is an AI Essay Grader for Teachers & Top 18 Options to Try

Grading essays can be a time-consuming task for teachers. However, with the advent of Essay Grader For Teachers tools, the process has become more manageable and efficient. These tools automate the process of grading essays, providing valuable feedback to students quickly. They also help teachers focus on other essential aspects of teaching, such as creating lesson plans and engaging with students. In this blog, we will explore the various Essay Grader tools for teachers available and how they can benefit teachers and students alike.

What Is an AI Essay Grader for Teachers?

Person Using a Laptop - Essay Grader For Teachers

An AI essay grader is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to grade and score student essays automatically. This tool aims to provide an objective evaluation and feedback on essays based on scoring rubrics and machine learning models. AI essay graders leverage large language models and generative AI to approach the accuracy of human grading. By utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms, automated grading systems can decipher written responses and analyze student answers' quality, coherence, and relevance. 

Through pattern recognition, AI-powered systems can identify common mistakes or misconceptions in students' responses, aiding educators in customizing their teaching methods. Adaptive learning enables these grading systems to evolve over time, providing individualized feedback and suggestions for specific learners by analyzing vast amounts of student data. The AI algorithms generate comprehensive feedback for students, saving educators time and benefiting students simultaneously.

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How Does an AI Essay Grader for Teachers Work?

Person Typing on Laptop

Submission Analysis

When a student submits an essay, the AI system first digitizes the text and then analyzes it, breaking it down into various components like sentences, paragraphs, and sections. This step is crucial for further analysis.

Text Preprocessing

Before starting the analysis, the AI pre-processes the text by removing irrelevant data, correcting minor grammatical errors, and segmenting the text into manageable chunks. This ensures that the text is in a standardized format for evaluation.

Feature Extraction

Key features are extracted from the text, such as grammar, syntax, vocabulary usage, argument structure, coherence, and adherence to rubrics. These features are essential for evaluating the quality of writing and providing accurate feedback.


The AI grader compares the submission against predefined criteria and scoring rubrics using the extracted features. Scores are assigned to various aspects of the paper, such as content relevance, grammatical accuracy, writing style, and overall coherence.

Feedback Generation

Beyond scoring, AI essay graders generate detailed feedback for students. This feedback highlights strengths and weaknesses, offering specific suggestions for improvement. For instance, the AI might point out a weak thesis statement, suggest more varied vocabulary, or recommend better argument structuring.

Learning and Adaptation

AI graders continuously learn and adapt from the data they process. As more essays are graded, the system refines its algorithms, becoming more accurate and efficient over time. This adaptive learning ensures that the AI remains up-to-date with evolving writing standards and educational practices.

AI Essay Grader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

5 Powerful Benefits of AI Essay Graders for Teachers

Person Writing on Paper - Essay Grader For Teachers

1. Streamline grading process

Time Savings

Teachers report reducing grading time significantly, often by more than 60%

Increased Efficiency

Allows teachers to allocate more time towards lesson planning and student interaction.

2. Unbiased feedback

Elimination of Bias

Minimizes personal bias, ensuring fairness in grading

Objective Assessments

Maintains a high level of consistency across all student essays.

3. Enhance feedback quality

Detailed Corrections

Pinpoints grammatical and syntactic errors

Constructive Suggestions

Provides actionable feedback to improve student writing

Plagiarism Detection

Ensures essays are original, enhancing student learning and accountability.

4. Scalable for large classes

Efficient Handling

Manages large volumes of essays without a drop in assessment quality

Perfect for Large Cohorts

Ideal for teachers handling multiple classes or large groups of students.

5. Empower teachers with more teaching time

Enriched Interaction

More time can be spent on interactive teaching and personalized guidance.

Focus on Pedagogy

Enables a shift towards more engaging and innovative teaching strategies.

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Top 18 Best AI Essay Graders for Teachers

Person Reviewing Notes - Essay Grader For Teachers

1. EssayGrader: Revolutionizing Essay Grading for Educators

EssayGrader is a game-changer for teachers who regularly face the daunting task of grading countless essays. This AI grading platform has garnered the trust of over 30,000 educators globally by offering unparalleled accuracy and time-saving efficiency. With EssayGrader, grading an essay that typically takes a teacher 10 minutes can now be completed in just 30 seconds, resulting in a remarkable 95% reduction in grading time. 

The platform allows educators to:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics
  • Set up custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Perform bulk uploads of essays
  • Detect essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays using the Essay summarizer tool

Whether you're a primary school teacher, high school instructor, or professor at a college, EssayGrader is your go-to tool for streamlining the grading process while ensuring high-quality, specific, and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds.

2. Gradescope: Enhancing Efficiency Across Assessment Processes

Gradescope by Turnitin is a versatile application and online platform that simplifies the creation, distribution, grading, and analysis of assessments for educators. Leveraging AI technology, Gradescope offers an automated grading system that streamlines the assessment process. Supporting various assignment types, including PDF, online, programming, and bubble sheet assignments, Gradescope enables students to upload their work for evaluation in PDFs or photos. 

Whether you're assessing homework, quizzes, or exams, Gradescope's automation and versatility make it an ideal solution for educators looking to streamline their grading workflow and provide valuable feedback to students.

3. Zipgrade: Simplifying Multiple-Choice Test Grading for Teachers

Zipgrade is a user-friendly grading app that allows teachers to scan and grade multiple-choice tests using mobile devices. This tool allows educators to print answer sheets, create custom keys, view item analysis, export results to CSV or PDF files, and share reports with students and parents. With Zipgrade, teachers can expedite the grading process, gain deeper insights into student performance, and efficiently communicate assessment results with stakeholders. 

4. ChatGPT: Optimizing Assessment Tasks with Conversational AI

ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI, is a versatile conversational AI chatbot that successfully completes various assessment tasks quickly and efficiently. From grading quizzes to assessing essays, ChatGPT can streamline the assessment process and enhance the overall efficiency of educators. 

This tool can assist in creating rubrics, finding rubrics, using provided rubrics, incorporating state standards, and integrating writing guides or other resources to improve assessment outcomes. By leveraging the power of AI, ChatGPT empowers teachers to provide timely and insightful feedback to students while optimizing the grading process.

5. Quizgecko: Transforming Text into Interactive Quiz Content

With Quizgecko, teachers can swiftly convert any text into quiz questions, flashcards, and notes, complete with automatic grading capabilities. This AI-driven tool offers many question styles, including multiple-choice, true or false, short essay answers, and fill-in-the-blanks. 

Educators can upload documents in PDFs, DOCs, and PPTs to curate engaging quizzes tailored to their students' needs. Quizgecko automates the quiz creation and grading process, enabling teachers to focus on personalized instruction and student engagement.

6. Canvas: Real-Time Assessment and Analytics for Educators

Canvas, a popular Learning Management System (LMS), provides a wide array of grading and feedback options to streamline educators' assessment processes. In addition to real-time assessment during live classes or events, Canvas automatically grades student assessments and detailed reports to visualize student performance. 

Educators can leverage Canvas's analytics dashboards to gain insights into student assessment results and make data-driven instructional decisions. By harnessing Canvas's assessment features, teachers can enhance their grading efficiency and optimize student learning outcomes.

7. Quizizz: Gamified Quizzing and AI-Infused Assessment

Quizizz is a dynamic quiz platform designed for K-12 teachers, featuring AI-infused capabilities for automatic quiz grading. With Quizizz, teachers can create gamified quizzes and interactive lessons, allowing students to access questions and answers on their own devices. 

Educators can choose between live or student-paced sessions, tailoring the quiz experience to meet diverse student needs. Through its AI features, Quizizz enables teachers to provide timely feedback, track student progress, and enhance student engagement in the learning process.

8. MagicSchool: Comprehensive Suite of AI Tools for Educators, developed by a former teacher, offers over 60 tools to support educators in teaching and assessment. provides a suite of assessment features, including a Rubric Generator and a Diagnostic Assessment Generator for multiple-choice diagnostic assessments. 

By leveraging's tools, teachers can streamline lesson planning and assessment practices, ensuring efficient grading and high-quality student feedback. With, educators can enhance their instructional practices and deliver personalized learning experiences to students.

9. Eduaide: Empowering Educators with AI-Driven Teaching Tools

Eduaide, created by ex-teachers, is a robust AI-driven teaching assistant that offers over 100 educational resources, including assessment tools. Educators can utilize Eduaide to create lesson plans, teaching resources, assignment feedback, assessments, and more. 

With features like "lesson seeds" that include rubrics, engagement activities, quizzes, and worksheets, Eduaide ensures that teachers can access comprehensive tools to support student learning. By leveraging Eduaide's AI capabilities, educators can enhance teaching and assessment practices, ensuring high-quality instruction and student outcomes.

10. Co-Grader: Streamlining Grading Processes with AI Guidance

Co-Grader is a popular AI-guided system designed to streamline the grading of student work imported from Google Classroom. This tool supports rubric-based grading aligned with state standards or customized criteria set by the teacher. 

Educators can define grading criteria using rubric templates to ensure consistent evaluation of student work and gain detailed analytics on class performance. Co-Grader also boasts capabilities to detect instances of AI-generated content, enhancing the integrity of the grading process and providing valuable insights for teachers to track student progress effectively.

11. Edpuzzle: Enhancing Instructional Practices with Interactive Video Grading

Edpuzzle is an interactive video platform that enables teachers to embed questions directly into videos students watch. By embedding questions like multiple-choice and short-answer questions directly into video content, teachers can effectively reinforce concepts and address student misconceptions. 

Edpuzzle offers instant feedback on student responses, enabling educators to tailor instruction and provide timely student support. With real-time analytics and a library of video lessons across various subjects, Edpuzzle equips teachers with the tools to enhance instructional practices and optimize student engagement with the curriculum.

12. Graded Pro: AI-Powered Grading Platform for Diverse Subjects

Graded Pro is a cutting-edge AI-powered grading platform designed to streamline the assessment process across various subject areas, including Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, English, Computer Science, and Art. Fully integrated with Google Classroom, Graded Pro automates the retrieval of student submissions, eliminating manual upload tasks and providing a familiar environment for teachers and students to work on assignments collaboratively. 

By leveraging Graded Pro's capabilities, educators can enhance their grading efficiency, provide timely feedback to students, and optimize student learning outcomes across diverse subject areas.

13. Smodin: AI Grader for Comprehensive Writing Assessment

Smodin's AI Grader utilizes artificial intelligence to assess essays based on plagiarism detection, grammar checking, readability analysis, and content evaluation. This tool can grade short-answer questions and longer forms of writing, such as essays and reports, providing valuable feedback and comments that highlight errors and offer improvement suggestions. 

Educators can rely on Smodin to enhance the effectiveness of essay writing by providing guidance on how to make student writing more compelling. Smodin also ensures the integrity of the assessment process through plagiarism checks, readability assessments, and vocabulary analysis.

14. Class Companion: Real-Time Feedback for Student Writing Assessment

Class Companion is an AI-powered tool that facilitates student writing assessment, offering real-time feedback to teachers on their students' writing. By enabling teachers to create assignments, receive student submissions, and access AI-generated feedback, Class Companion streamlines the assessment process and enhances the quality of student feedback. 

Educators can leverage Class Companion to identify areas where students need improvement in their writing, deliver targeted feedback, and track student progress effectively. This tool supports all subjects with written assignments, including advanced placement (AP) level classes, making it a versatile solution for educators across diverse disciplines.

15. Vexis: Personalized Grading Evaluations and Feedback

Vexis is an advanced grading system that leverages artificial intelligence to provide teachers with detailed grading evaluations and students with personalized feedback. Vexis AI's Personalized Feedback feature offers individualized comments on student work, while the Detailed Reports feature provides educators with a comprehensive overview of student performance.

By integrating OCR technology, Vexis enables teachers to scan and grade handwritten work efficiently, ensuring a seamless grading process. Vexis's Contextual Understanding feature further enhances grading accuracy by focusing on the content of student work, rather than just the format, enabling educators to deliver personalized feedback that supports student learning.

16. Elagrade: Customized Grading Instructions with Detailed Feedback

Elagrade empowers teachers to provide unique grading instructions and custom rubrics to AI for efficient essay grading and detailed feedback. Educators can tailor their grading criteria and rubrics to cater to their students' specific needs, ensuring that each paper is assessed in alignment with their instructional objectives. 

By providing detailed feedback on student papers' strengths and weaknesses and referencing text lines, Elagrade enables educators to enhance the quality of feedback provided to students, fostering continuous improvement in their writing skills.

17. ClassX AI Essay Grader: Enhancing Students' Writing with Constructive Feedback

ClassX AI Essay Grader offers AI grading technology designed to improve students' writing through detailed, constructive feedback. This tool empowers educators to provide valuable insights to students on their writing, helping them identify areas for improvement and refine their writing skills effectively. 

By leveraging ClassX AI Essay Grader, teachers can enhance the quality of student feedback, fostering continuous growth and development in their writing abilities.

18. Kangaroos AI: Ethical AI Tools for Teachers and Efficient Essay Grading

Kangaroos AI is an ethical and user-friendly AI essay grader that helps educators efficiently grade essays and provide valuable feedback to students. This tool empowers teachers to streamline the grading process, ensuring timely feedback that supports student learning and growth. 

By using Kangaroos AI, educators can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of essay grading, providing students with constructive feedback that fosters continuous improvement in their writing abilities.

The 7 Best Practices for Integrating AI Grading

Person Using Tablet - Essay Grader For Teachers

1. Selecting the Right AI Grading Tool

When integrating AI essay grading tools into your classroom, the first step is to choose the right tool for you. Ensure the AI tool aligns with your curriculum and integrates smoothly with your learning management systems to streamline your workflow. 

2. Establishing Specific Parameters for AI Grading

Set clear expectations for what the AI should look for in student submissions and adjust the settings to handle various assignments, from essays to technical problem-solving. For instance, defining what you consider a clear 'thesis statement' could be an example of a parameter you set.

3. Balancing Human Expertise with AI Capabilities

Leverage the AI tool to handle the initial draft grading of objective aspects of the students' work, while also personally reviewing and providing detailed feedback on the subjective or complex parts of their responses.

4. Optimizing Feedback with AI Assistance

Utilize AI to provide immediate feedback to students, helping them understand their strengths and areas for improvement. By giving constructive details, students can grasp their performance better.

5. Educating Students on AI Grading

Make sure to educate students on how the AI grading tool works, demystifying the technology, and setting realistic expectations. Guide how to effectively meet the AI grading criteria while showcasing their originality and critical thinking skills.

6. Regularly Updating and Refining AI Tools

Keep the AI system updated with the latest data and algorithms to maintain grading accuracy. Continuously refine the AI tool based on feedback and results to meet educational goals better.

7. Ensuring Ethical Use and Data Security

Choose AI tools that adhere strictly to educational data privacy regulations. Implement robust security measures to safeguard sensitive student data.

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Save Time While Grading Schoolwork — Join 30,000+ Educators Worldwide & Use EssayGrader AI, The Original AI Essay Grader

EssayGrader is the ultimate time-saving tool for teachers when grading essays. With this AI grading platform, educators can cut down the significant amount of time it takes to grade assignments drastically. On average, grading a single essay can take up to 10 minutes for a teacher. With EssayGrader, this time is reduced to a mere 30 seconds. This represents a remarkable 95% reduction in grading time while maintaining the same results as manual grading.

Features That Enhance Grading Efficiency

Teachers can replicate their grading rubrics on EssayGrader, ensuring that the AI tool aligns with the criteria they typically use for student grading. Educators can set up custom rubrics to suit their needs and grading standards. This tool allows teachers to grade essays by class, making it easier to manage multiple assignments efficiently. 

Teachers can use the bulk upload feature to streamline the grading process further. EssayGrader even comes equipped with an AI detector to identify essays that may have been written by AI, ensuring the integrity of the grading process. Teachers can utilize the Essay Summarizer feature to quickly get a concise overview of student essays.

The Power of AI Grading

EssayGrader has gained the trust of over 30,000 educators worldwide, who have collectively graded over half a million essays using this platform. From primary school to college-level essays, teachers are leveraging the power of AI to provide accurate and detailed feedback to students in a fraction of the time it would take manually. Using EssayGrader, teachers can save valuable time and improve the overall efficiency of the grading process.

Start Saving Time with EssayGrader Today!

EssayGrader offers teachers a solution to the time-consuming task of grading essays, allowing them to provide high-quality feedback quickly and accurately. By adopting this AI grading platform, educators can spend less time grading and more time focusing on other aspects of their teaching. Take the first step to revolutionize your grading process and enhance the feedback you provide to your students. Get started with EssayGrader for free today!

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