Choose a plan

Save hours a day grading essays, just a little investment to 10X your productivity.

Get started for free

Individual plans

10% yearly discount



Our basic plan is meant for those who want to test out the product.

Grade 10 essays per month
Summarize 5 essays per month
Essay word count limit 1000 words
Custom rubrics



Our lite plan is perfect for those who don't grade essays a ton.

Grade 75 essays per month
Summarize 15 essays per month
Essay word count limit 2000 words
Custom rubrics
Priority email support



Our pro plan is our most popular plan. It's for those who grade a lot of essays per month.

Grade 200 essays per month
Summarize 50 essays per month
Essay word count limit 3500 words
AI detector
Custom rubrics
Bulk essay uploading
Priority email support



Our premium plan is for those busy professionals who want to utilize the full capability of our product.

Grade 500 essays per month
Summarize 100 essays per month
Essay word count limit 5000 words
AI detector
Custom rubrics
Bulk essay uploading
Priority email support

District plans

At EssayGrader, we understand the unique needs of educational districts striving for excellence in essay evaluation and error detection. That's why we offer exclusive discounted district plans tailored to meet the demands of large-scale educational environments. If your district requires 25 or more accounts, we have the perfect solution for you. If you're on the fence about whether EssayGrader is for you, check out why we think it is: Why you should use EssayGrader

Easy 4 step process...

Step 1

Please fill out this short Google form with a little bit of information we need from you.

Step 2

We send you a personalized quote and answer any questions you may have.

Step 3

Once you are happy and the quote is agreed upon, we will send you an inovice. A one time payment for one year of access to EssayGrader.

Step 4

Everyone that will be using EssayGrader will sign up for an account (basic plan - free). We will gather all the email addresses of the users from you. Then we will update all those users to the agreed upon plan.

That's it, four easy steps! By incorporating AI into your grading process, you empower teachers to focus on engaging with students, planning innovative lessons, and enhancing the overall learning experience. Expect productivity to go up tremendously!