May 30, 2024

Top 24 AI Grading Tools for Teachers for Efficient Assessments

Are you a teacher drowning in a sea of papers, spending countless hours grading assignments? Imagine a world where grading essays is as easy as clicking a button. With AI grading tools for teachers, this dream can become a reality. In this blog, we will explore how AI grading tools can revolutionize how teachers assess and provide student feedback, helping you save time and streamline your grading process.

If you're looking to simplify your grading workload and save hours on grading, EssayGrader's AI essay grader is your solution. With this tool, you can automate grading and provide personalized feedback to students, enabling you to focus more on delivering quality instruction rather than drowning in a stack of papers.

What Are AI Grading Tools for Teachers?

professor showing AI Grading Tools For Teachers

One of the most remarkable aspects of AI grading tools is their ability to grade written responses, multiple-choice questions, and even highly accurate coding assignments. These tools can also provide immediate feedback to convey to students. 

AI grading tools can help teachers automate the grading process for assignments, quizzes, assessments, and exams. They are particularly beneficial for teachers with larger classes, as this can save them time grading many documents. AI grading tools can help maintain consistency in grading and can be used to create rubrics for different assignments. 

Automated Essay Scoring

AI grading tools can score essays and written responses without human intervention. Teachers can feed these tools sample essays to train them to grade assignments and simulate assessments. These tools understand the parameters of a good essay and can grade students' responses based on this knowledge. 

Plagiarism Detection

AI grading tools can also detect plagiarism by comparing students' work against a database of documents to identify copied sections. The tool will then flag the potentially plagiarized sections, allowing teachers to assess whether an instance of plagiarism has occurred. 

Rubric-based Grading

Teachers can use AI grading tools to apply rubrics that provide a detailed explanation of how assignments will be graded. The grading tool can then use machine learning algorithms to assess students' work based on the rubric. 

AI and Machine Learning Technologies Used to Analyze and Evaluate Student Work

AI and machine learning technologies are used to analyze and evaluate student work by using algorithms to scan, assess, and grade assignments. The tools use pattern recognition and machine learning to process various assignments, from essays to coding assignments. These technologies then evaluate students' work based on pre-set criteria or rubrics. 

The algorithms can be trained to identify common mistakes, assess essays' coherence and structure, and recommend improvement areas. With more exposure to different essays, the AI tools can improve their accuracy and provide more consistent feedback to students.

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5 Powerful Benefits of AI Grading Tools for Teachers

powerful and amazing AI Grading Tools For Teachers

1. Streamline Grading Process

AI grading tools have revolutionized the grading process, making it more efficient and accurate. Teachers using this technology have reported significant reductions in grading time, often by more than 60%. This time-saving advantage allows educators to allocate more time toward lesson planning and meaningful student interactions.

2. Unbiased Feedback

One of the most significant advantages of AI grading tools is eliminating assessment bias. By removing personal biases, these tools ensure fairness in grading and maintain consistency in evaluations across all student essays. This unbiased feedback mechanism helps students receive objective assessments to encourage growth and improvement.

3. Enhance Feedback Quality

AI grading tools excel in providing detailed corrections and constructive feedback to students. These tools are adept at pinpointing grammatical and syntactic errors, and providing actionable suggestions to enhance student writing skills. They offer plagiarism detection features that ensure the originality of student work, fostering a culture of academic integrity and accountability.

4. Scalable for Large Classes

Another notable benefit of AI grading tools is their scalability in handling large volumes of assignments without compromising assessment quality. This feature makes them ideal for teachers managing multiple classes or large groups of students. AI grading tools efficiently manage the assessment process, allowing educators to focus on delivering quality education rather than spending excessive time on grading.

5. Empower Teachers with More Teaching Time

By automating the grading process, AI tools empower teachers with more time for interactive teaching and personalized guidance. This surplus time can be redirected towards exploring innovative teaching strategies and enriching student learning experiences. The enhanced efficiency provided by AI grading tools allows educators to focus on pedagogy and foster a more engaging classroom environment.

Enhancing Efficiency and Customization in Essay Grading with EssayGrader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

How Do AI Grading Tools for Teachers Work?

woman using excel for grades - AI Grading Tools For Teachers

AI essay graders use advanced algorithms based on content, structure, and language usage to evaluate student work. These tools deploy natural language processing (NLP) to examine essays for coherence, adherence to the prompt, grammar, and spelling. By comparing student submissions with high-quality model responses, AI grading systems can provide feedback on multiple aspects of a student's work, helping educators save time on grading and focus more on offering personalized feedback and improving student interactions.

The Core Tech Behind AI Grading Tools: Machine Learning

Machine learning (ML) is at the heart of AI grading technologies, allowing them to learn from data and refine their performance over time. For instance, when an AI essay grader is exposed to various essay responses graded by teachers, it learns to distinguish higher-quality essays from lower-quality ones. This learning process enables AI grading tools to continually enhance their assessment and feedback capabilities.

Harnessing the Power of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is another essential technology supporting AI grading tools. By analyzing grammar, sentence structure, and content, NLP equips these tools to evaluate written responses as a human would. For example, when assessing an essay on Shakespeare's "Hamlet," NLP checks for spelling and grammar and evaluates the depth of analysis and relevance of the content. This comprehensive evaluation approach ensures that AI grading systems can offer students more accurate and insightful feedback.

Scoring Multiple-Choice Questions with AI Technology

AI tools also excel in grading multiple-choice questions by accurately matching student responses with the correct answers programmed into the system. Besides providing instant grading results, AI multiple-choice graders identify common patterns in incorrect answers, helping educators pinpoint areas where students struggle most. This feature enables teachers to adjust their teaching strategies promptly, based on the feedback obtained from the AI grading tool.

AI Short Answer Grading Techniques

When assessing short answer questions, AI grading systems demonstrate a nuanced understanding of student responses. These tools analyze the proper use of key concepts and terms in students' answers, evaluating the breadth of concepts covered and the depth of understanding displayed. The consistent and objective assessment of open-ended questions performed by AI short answer graders aids teachers in swiftly identifying areas that need reinforcement in their instructional approach.

How Good Are AI Grading Tools for Teachers?

professor happy to use AI Grading Tools For Teachers

The accuracy of AI grading tools is crucial when evaluating student work, especially in educational settings. Research studies have shown that AI grading tools like ChatGPT can offer accuracy comparable to that of human evaluators scoring essays. For instance, a study by Tamara Tate and her research team compared ChatGPT's essay scoring against humans' in evaluating history and English essays written by middle and high school students. The findings showed that ChatGPT's accuracy was comparable to that of an average busy teacher, demonstrating its potential to assist educators with grading tasks.

Reliability of AI Grading Tools

In addition to accuracy, the reliability of AI grading tools like ChatGPT is crucial for ensuring consistent and fair evaluation of student work. Tate and her team found that ChatGPT's essay scores were in "fair" to "moderate" agreement with those of well-trained human evaluators. While ChatGPT could score essays within one point of a human grader 89% of the time in one batch of essays, its exact agreement with human raters was about 40% of the time. This highlights the need for continuous improvement in the reliability of AI grading tools to ensure consistent and dependable results.

Performance of AI Grading Tools

The performance of AI grading tools plays a vital role in determining their effectiveness in educational settings. While AI grading tools like ChatGPT show promise in assisting teachers with grading tasks, areas still need improvement, particularly in scoring individual student essays accurately. 

Tate advises educators to ask specific questions about the accuracy rates of AI graders on the student level, such as the rate of exact agreement between the AI grader and a human rater on each essay and how often they are within one point of each other. This emphasis on performance highlights the importance of refining AI grading tools to provide meaningful feedback to students and educators.

Expert Opinions on Using AI Grading Tools

Opinions from educators with experience using AI grading tools like ChatGPT can offer valuable insights into their practical application in real-world settings. Tate's research highlights the potential benefits of incorporating AI grading tools in writing instruction, such as enabling teachers to assign more writing tasks without increasing their workload significantly.

Tate also cautions against overreliance on AI grading tools, as they may not provide the nuanced feedback required for effective writing instruction. Educators should balance leveraging AI grading tools for grading efficiency and ensuring that students receive personalized, constructive feedback to support their learning and improvement in writing skills.

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23 Best AI Grading Tools for Teachers

friends discussing the latest AI Grading Tools For Teachers

1. EssayGrader

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 30,000+ educators worldwide. On average it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, with EssayGrader that time is cut down to 30 seconds That's a 95% reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, Teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics (so AI doesn't have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria)
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer 

Primary school, high school, and even college professors grade their students' essays with the help of our AI tool. Over half a million essays were graded by 30,000+ teachers on our platform. Save 95% of your time for grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds. 

Get started for free today!

2. Gradescope

Gradescope by Turnitin is a versatile application and online platform designed to facilitate creating, distributing, grading, and analyzing assessments for educators. Gradescope leverages AI to offer an automated grading system streamlines the assessment process. Gradescope accommodates a wide array of assignment types including PDF, online, programming, and bubble sheet assignments, with students having the option to upload PDFs or photos of their work for evaluation. 

3. Zipgrade

Zipgrade is a grading app that allows teachers to scan and grade multiple-choice 

tests using their mobile devices. With Zipgrade, teachers can print their answer sheets, create custom keys, view item analysis, export results to CSV or PDF files, and share reports with students and parents. Teachers can use their smartphone or tablet camera to scan the answer sheets and can also scan multiple answer sheets at once. 

Teachers can see each student's scores and grades as soon as they scan the answer sheets. They can also review the answers, mark them as correct or incorrect, or add comments or notes. Teachers can also see the distribution of scores and grades, the difficulty level of each question, the percentage of correct answers, and more.

4. ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a conversational AI chatbot from OpenAI that can complete many assessment tasks quickly and efficiently. ChatGPT is a versatile platform that can undertake almost any written assessment task, including grading quizzes, tests, and essays.

ChatGPT can also help you create a rubric, find a rubric, or simply use the rubric that you provide. It can also help you find and incorporate state standards, writing guides, or other resources to enhance your assessment performance.

5. Canvas

Canvas is a popular Learning Management System (LMS) with various grading and feedback options. Canvas provides an array of assessment features. For one, Canvas provides real-time assessment of student responses during a live class or event. It also can automatically grade student assessments and provide detailed reports  Canvas offers analytics dashboards to visualize student assessment results. More specifically, Canvas offers four different types of quizzes: A graded quiz, practice quiz, graded survey, and an ungraded survey. 

Canvas also offers a SpeedGrader feature, which enables instructors to view and grade student assignment submissions in one place and accepts various document types. Some document formats can be marked up for feedback directly within Canvas. So, you can provide feedback to your students on essays and other types of written work. Teachers can create text, video, and/or audio commentary for students. The Canvas Gradebook stores student results, measuring both letter grades and course outcomes. 

6. Quizizz

Quizizz is a popular quiz platform designed for K-12 teachers. It has special AI-infused features and can automatically grade quizzes. With Quizizz, teachers can create gamified quizzes and interactive lessons, and students can access questions and answers on their own devices. Teachers have the option of enabling live or student-paced sessions.

In 2023, Quizizz introduced Quizizz AI Enhance (beta), a personalized teaching assistant that helps teachers customize their Quizizz activities. Quizizz leverages AI to automatically fix spelling mistakes, simplify questions, or translate into another language. Quizizz AI Enhance also includes an option to “convert to real-world scenarios,” for instance, showing how a math activity might manifest itself in the real world. 

7. MagicSchool

A former teacher-designed is an AI-powered platform offering over 60 tools to assist educators. Included are a series of assessment features for educators. provides a wide range of tools designed to streamline the lesson planning and assessment process. To assist teachers with assessment, MagicSchool AI offers a Rubric Generator and a Diagnostic Assessment Generator for multiple-choice diagnostic assessment on any topic. 

8. Eduaide

Created by ex-teachers, Eduaide is a powerful AI-driven teaching assistant with over 100 educational resources, including assessment tools. Eduaide helps teachers create lesson plans, teaching resources, assignment feedback, assessments, and more. To burnish its lesson plan offerings, Eduaide offers “lesson seeds”, which include lesson rubrics, engagement activities, quizzes, worksheets, slides, and more.

Its Feedbot category enables teachers to paste in the students' work and receive feedback based on various categories — including custom feedback based on their own rubric. In its Assessment category, teachers can input a teaching objective or standards-based information, and Eduaide will generate various types of questions, such as Multiple-Choice and Fill-in-the-Blank. 

9. Co-Grader

Co-Grader is a popular AI-guided system for grading student work imported from Google Classroom. Co-Grader supports rubric-based grading aligned with state standards or customized criteria set by the teacher. Teachers can define grading criteria using rubric templates, allowing for consistent evaluation of student work. CoGrader also provides detailed analytics on class performance, enabling teachers to track progress and identify areas for improvement. It claims to detect instances of AI-generated content like ChatGPT. 

10. Edpuzzle

Edpuzzle is an interactive video platform that enables teachers to embed questions directly into videos students watch. Edpuzzle allows instructors to embed questions (such as multiple-choice and short-answer) directly into videos.  When students respond to questions, Edpuzzle provides instant feedback.  Teachers can use this feature to reinforce concepts and address misconceptions. Edpuzzle also offers real-time analytics and a library of video lessons across various subjects, many aligned to standards.

11. Wooclap

Wooclap is an interactive questions platform that helps educators engage students, measure their understanding, and track participation in real-time. With Wooclap you can choose between 20+ question types (e.g., MCQ, word cloud, Find on image, whiteboard) or use Wooclap AI to generate quizzes in seconds from any topic or teaching material in seconds. 

With Wooclap’s generative AI, teachers can create questions from an audio file, such as music or speech, a hyperlink to a webpage, images, PDFs, and more. If you wish, you can Integrate them seamlessly into your presentation and share it with your students.

12. Graded Pro

Graded Pro is a new AI-powered grading platform streamlining the assessment process for most subjects, including Mathematics, Sciences, Humanities, English, Computer Science, and Art. Fully integrated with Google Classroom, Graded Pro automatically retrieves student submissions, eliminating manual upload tasks and allowing teachers and students to continue working in a familiar setting. Graded Pro also supports a wide range of educational standards, including the US Common Core and Advanced Placement, IB curriculum, UK GCSE and A levels, along with other global academic frameworks.

13. PanQuiz

PanQuiz is an AI-powered learning app that allows teachers to create online quizzes, tests, and assessments. It's designed to make creating and grading quizzes more efficient and personalized. The PanQuiz app uses AI to generate real-time quizzes, enabling teachers to assess their students understanding quickly and accurately. Questions are designed to be displayed on a screen and students respond with various devices, including smartphones and tablets. 

14. Questgen

Questgen aims to simplify the process of creating quiz assessments and generates a variety of question types, including multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, and higher-order questions. Questgen can create various types of questions across a wide range of subjects. Questgen can convert any text into a quiz within seconds, enabling teachers to generate quizzes quickly based on existing materials. As mentioned, question types include multiple-choice questions, true/false questions, and higher-order questions.

15. Coursebox

Coursebox is an all-in-one learning and grading platform with AI capabilities. You can use it to create and grade courses for students of all levels. 


  • AI Assessments: You can set marking criteria and rubrics for the tool to grade assignments. 
  • AI Chatbot: Train a chatbot on your course to give learners instant feedback and assistance. 
  • AI Quiz Generator: The tool generates long answer assignment questions and quizzes for your course in seconds. 
  • Integration: Coursebox integrates with Moodle, D2L, Blackboard, and Canvas Learning Management Systems (LMS). 

16. Markr

Markr is an AI-assisted grading tool that can check open-ended questions and give detailed feedback to students. 


  • Targeted Feedback: Markr's AI assistant provides targeted feedback to students to help them improve their answers.
  • Standardized Grading: The tool ensures consistent and objective grading by following preset criteria.
  • Easy Integration: Markr integrates seamlessly with popular LMS platforms. Custom integrations are also available.

17. Graide

Graide is a handy AI grading tool that lets you deliver immediate feedback to students along with suggestions on how they can improve their performance. The tool works for essays, short texts, and math exams. Graide provides a question-level breakdown of student performance to see where they struggle the most. You can also see a histogram of all grades for a holistic overview. 

18. Progressay

Progressay's AI grading tool is perfect for educators who want a hands-off approach to grading. With Progressay, you can grade assignments while pointing out errors like sentence structure, inferences, punctuation, understanding of knowledge, grammar, etc. Along with grades, Progressay provides a breakdown of the student's performance in various areas, allowing for targeted feedback. 

19. Kangaroo's AI Essay Grader

Tailor grading rubrics to fit specific assignment criteria or learning goals. Automatically checks for originality, ensuring student work is authentic. Provides students with constructive feedback on writing style, grammar, and argument structure. Monitors student progress over time, helping to identify learning trends and educational needs. Operates on a secure and private platform, ensuring data safety and confidentiality.

20. Smodin AI Grader

Known for its deep integration with the Edmodo learning management system, it offers seamless grading for various assignment types.

21. Knewton Alta

Knewton provides tailored feedback and assessments that adapt to student responses, making it a powerful tool for personalized learning environments.

22. ClassX

ClassX’s AI Essay Grader empowers teachers by automating the grading process without compromising on accuracy or fairness. The concept is elegant: teachers input or copy the students’ essays into the provided text box, select the appropriate grade level and subject, and ClassX’s AI Essay Grader takes it from there. Leveraging the cutting-edge technology of ChatGPT, the AI system meticulously evaluates essays against a predefined rubric. The rubric encompasses various criteria, ranging from content depth and structure to grammar and style, ensuring a comprehensive writing assessment.

23. Elagrade

With Elagrade you give the AI your unique grading instructions and custom rubrics. It then uses them to grade your students’ papers and provide detailed feedback on each paper's strengths and weaknesses. Each feedback references the lines in the text so that you can back up your reasoning in case the student or parent asks for clarification. Elagrade grades tens and hundreds of papers in minutes saving each ELA teacher about 30 hours a month and thus helping them maintain a healthy work-life balance.

How to Choose the Best AI Grading Tool for Teachers

teachers looking at performance of AI Grading Tools For Teachers

When selecting an AI grading tool, ease of use is critical. It must be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing teachers to navigate and use its features easily. This is important because educators often tire from their work and need tools that don't require extra effort.

Support for Teachers' Personal Style

Every teacher has a unique style of grading, which students often recognize. Therefore, the AI grading software should support the specific grading style the teacher wants it to adopt. This includes the ability to grade by specific rubrics and a custom definition of what is good/bad and important in writing according to the teacher's opinion.

Individualized Feedback Is Key

Grading without feedback is often considered useless. Therefore, AI grading tools should be able to provide personalized feedback to students. This feedback should reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, avoid generic comments, and ideally include references to specific lines of text for easy verification by the teacher.

Data Security Is a Must

Selecting software with strong data security is crucial. The chosen tool should be able to protect both the teacher's and the students' data. This is essential to prevent data breaches, test tampering, and information confidentiality.

Save Time While Grading Schoolwork — Join 30,000+ Educators Worldwide & Use EssayGrader AI, The Original AI Essay Grader

EssayGrader is an AI grading platform designed to streamline the arduous task of grading essays for teachers. It can replicate grading rubrics, set up custom rubrics, and grade essays by class, enhancing the efficiency of grading processes. Its bulk upload feature allows teachers to process multiple essays simultaneously, drastically reducing the time needed to provide student feedback.

Ensuring Authenticity and Efficiency in Essay Evaluation

Our platform also includes an AI detector, which helps identify essays that may have been written using AI tools. This feature ensures that essays are authentically written by students, maintaining the integrity of the grading process. Our essay summarizer can condense lengthy essays into concise summaries, aiding teachers in quickly grasping the main ideas of each student's work.

Transforming the Grading Experience for Educators Worldwide

With EssayGrader, over 30,000 educators worldwide have efficiently graded more than half a million essays. This tool has enabled teachers from primary school to college to provide high-quality, specific, and accurate feedback to students in a fraction of the required time. Save time and elevate the quality of feedback provided to students with EssayGrader. 

Get started today to enhance your grading process and empower your students to excel in their writing assignments.

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