
Can Teachers Use AI To Grade Essays in 2024?

April 27, 2024

Can teachers use AI to grade essays in 2024? The teaching profession has always been marked by long hours. Teachers, required to engage in grueling grading sessions, are constantly seeking to balance assessment and spending quality time with students in the classroom. In the midst of these challenges, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in the education sector has prompted a timeless, and often polarized, conversation about the role of technology in education. Specifically, AI essay grading platforms like promise to alleviate some of the grading burden on teachers and standardize grading across a massive educational landscape.

The Hardships of Grading and How AI Is Revolutionizing Grading

Before AI, teachers spent countless hours grading essays, providing feedback, and juggling the multitude of tasks that come with such duties (some teachers still do this!). The traditional method required a teacher to read through each essay attentively, considering not only grammar and spelling, but also the content, structure, and creativity of the student's work. Individual attention is the hallmark of teaching, requiring personal investment in each student to foster growth and learning. However, the sheer volume of essays can often make this personalized experience an impossibility.

Beyond the time constraints, teacher grading is inherently subjective. Each educator brings their own biases, personal preferences, and experiences to the table, which can lead to inconsistencies in assessment. This subjectivity, while a human element, can be a point of contention for students and a hurdle for establishing objective grading criteria.

So, Can Teachers Use AI To Grade Essays in 2024?

Can teachers use AI to grade essays?

The arrival of AI grading tools has promised to address some of these long-standing challenges. Tools like can assess essays in a fraction of the time, providing instant feedback and reducing teacher workload. These tools can be objective, applying a standardized rubric equally to every essay, therefore offering a more consistent approach to assessment and standardizing evaluations across different classrooms and schools.

Despite the appeal of these advantages, the use of AI grading has been met with some apprehension. Some critics argue that AI cannot fully replicate the nuanced understanding of language and learning that a human teacher possesses. So, how do we move forward in 2024?

Finding the Middle Ground

The truth about AI grading lies between the extremes of miraculous solutions and lengthy, manual grading nightmare. AI essay grading platforms are complex algorithms designed to mimic the scoring process of a human grader. These systems leverage natural language processing (NLP) to understand the syntax, semantics, and contextual meaning of an essay. They can identify the use of literary devices, evaluate argumentative strategies, and measure the coherence of student responses. So, they absolutely have a role to play in the teachers' grading process in this new era.

Practical Integration of AI Essay Grading

The first step for teachers interested in integrating AI essay grading is to familiarize themselves with platforms like provides teachers with an extremely user-friendly interface with which they can set up custom rubrics, separate essays by class and then upload the essays in bulk. then generates an essay feedback document for each essay based on the details in the custom rubric. The essay feedback document indicates an individual score for each criterion in the rubric, lists grammatical, sentence structure errors, offer suggestions for improvement and lastly gives an overall grade for the essay. 

Once the feedback document is generated, teachers can use the insights provided in the document to focus their efforts on areas that require more nuanced feedback, like stylistic choices or complex argumentative patterns. Rather than replacing teacher feedback, feedback from should be seen as complementary to the grading process. This approach not only allows for the potential correction of AI errors but also ensures that students receive a well-rounded, human-reviewed evaluation of their work.

Save Time While Grading Schoolwork — Join 30,000+ Educators Worldwide & Use EssayGrader AI, The Original AI Essay Grader

As a teacher, grading essays can be a time-consuming task. It can take around 10 minutes to grade a single essay, and with multiple students to evaluate, this process can become overwhelming. is a valuable tool that simplifies and streamlines the grading process, saving teachers significant time in the process. 

Streamlining Essay Grading with EssayGrader's Efficient Tools

On average, it takes me about 30 seconds to grade an essay with EssayGrader, which is a 95% reduction in the time it usually takes to grade a paper. This tool allows me to replicate my grading rubrics, set up fully custom rubrics, grade essays by class, and even use an AI detector to catch essays written by AI. With EssayGrader, I can summarize essays quickly using the essay summarizer feature, which further enhances my efficiency in grading. 

Enhancing Feedback Quality and Efficiency with EssayGrader's AI Platform

This AI grading platform has been instrumental in helping me provide high-quality, specific, and accurate writing feedback to my students in a fraction of the time it would typically take. I highly recommend EssayGrader to my colleagues looking to streamline their grading process and provide valuable feedback to their students.

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