October 12, 2024
October 11, 2024

What are Some AI-Powered Tools That Teachers Can Use in the Classroom? (2024)

Imagine entering a classroom where students are excited to learn, and you don't feel overwhelmed. Instead, you feel organized and calm. Your students are focused, on-task, and meeting their learning goals. You can see their progress. Best of all, you can take a deep breath knowing there is help behind the scenes facilitating this smooth operation. With AI in the classroom, teachers can leverage technology to personalize learning, monitor student progress, and automate routine tasks. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a valuable technology that can help teachers perform many tedious and time-consuming tasks so they can focus on what matters, engaging and supporting their students. This blog will answer the question, "What are some AI-powered tools that teachers can use in the classroom?" and offer insights to help you discover easy-to-use, effective AI-powered tools that enhance classroom management, engage students, and streamline teaching tasks, ultimately improving learning outcomes without overwhelming teachers.

One of the AI-powered tools that can help teachers achieve these goals is EssayGrader. This grading software for teachers helps educators save time on assessments so they can focus on supporting student learning.

What is AI in Education & How it Disrupting the Traditional Classroom

employees working on a laptop - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

AI in education, also known as artificial intelligence in education (AIEd), refers to using AI technology to help facilitate teaching and learning. AIEd systems can personalize educational experiences for individual students, automate teacher tasks, and provide advanced data analytics to help students and educators. The technology can help ease the strain on overstressed education systems, meet the needs of diverse learners, and improve learning outcomes.

Personalized Learning at Scale

One of the most promising aspects of AIEd is its ability to deliver personalized learning experiences at scale. Traditional classroom models, which group students by age and have them learn the same material regardless of their abilities, can leave many kids behind. AIEd offers a solution by creating customized educational experiences that target specific student needs. 

AIEd programs can analyze student performance data to identify knowledge gaps, automate the creation of personalized lessons to address those gaps, and adapt instructions in real-time as students progress. The result is a more efficient learning process that can help struggling students catch up to their peers while challenging advanced learners to prevent boredom. 

Reducing Teacher Workloads

Another way AIEd can improve education is by reducing teacher workloads. Educators today are tasked with an overwhelming number of responsibilities, and it’s taking a toll on their mental health and the quality of education. 

AIEd can help alleviate stress by automating time-consuming tasks like:

  • Grading
  • Data entry
  • Progress tracking

Advanced Assessment Tools

AI can also improve classroom assessments by making them more efficient and effective. AIEd tools can analyze student responses to identify specific knowledge gaps and automate personalized interventions to address them. This process helps reduce students' chances of falling between the cracks when moving from one grade to another and supports a more individualized approach to education. 

AI in Education: What It Is and How It’s Changing Learning for Good 

AI in education, also known as artificial intelligence in education (AIEd), refers to using AI technology to help facilitate teaching and learning. AIEd systems can personalize educational experiences for individual students, automate teacher tasks, and provide advanced data analytics to help students and educators. The technology can help ease the strain on overstressed education systems, meet the needs of diverse learners, and improve learning outcomes. 

Personalized Learning at Scale

One of the most promising aspects of AIEd is its ability to deliver personalized learning experiences at scale. Traditional classroom models, which group students by age and have them learn the same material regardless of their abilities, can leave many kids behind. AIEd offers a solution by creating customized educational experiences that target specific student needs. 

AIEd programs can analyze student performance data to identify knowledge gaps, automate the creation of personalized lessons to address those gaps, and adapt instructions in real-time as students progress. The result is a more efficient learning process that can help struggling students catch up to their peers while challenging advanced learners to prevent boredom. 

Reducing Teacher Workloads

Another way AIEd can improve education is by reducing teacher workloads. Educators today are tasked with an overwhelming number of responsibilities, and it’s taking a toll on their mental health and the quality of education. 

AIEd can help alleviate stress by automating time-consuming tasks like grading, data entry, and progress tracking, freeing teachers to focus on what they do best: helping students. 

Advanced Assessment Tools

AI can also improve classroom assessments by making them more efficient and effective. AIEd tools can analyze student responses to identify specific knowledge gaps and automate personalized interventions to address them. This process helps reduce students' chances of falling between the cracks when moving from one grade to another and supports a more individualized approach to education. 

Related Reading

Why are Some Teachers Embracing AI in the Classroom?

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In Gwinnett County, Georgia, students have already started to learn about artificial intelligence and how it works. They are using AI to solve real-world problems. Carter Watkins, a senior at Seckinger High School, said that learning about AI has excited him to attend school. “The inclusion of AI throughout my core subjects has made learning more interesting,” he said. “It’s not just like textbook work. You’re putting your thinking cap on.”  

AI Can Help Students Learn to Think Critically

In Georgia, educators in a district near Atlanta are thinking more about what students should learn about AI. Their vision has started to become a reality. The youngest learners are conversing about household appliances like Amazon’s Alexa. 

High schoolers can now take classes that use AI to solve real-world problems. “What we’re trying to do is teach our students how to be critical thinkers,” says Sallie Holloway, director of artificial intelligence and computer science for Gwinnett County Public Schools. School-based computer labs once seemed futuristic. The internet is everywhere, and the next frontier, AI, is seeping into learning environments. ChatGPT’s debut more than a year ago brought ongoing concerns about cheating and the tool’s ability to mislead students. Some educators also see it as an opportunity for innovation.   

Educators are Finding AI Can Help Them Get Creative

With or without official guidance, some educators have already demonstrated how artificial intelligence can be used for good. At Highlands Ranch High School outside of Denver, Principal Chris Page Jr. used artificial intelligence to develop clues for a homecoming-related scavenger hunt. He drew inspiration from AI and tinkered with the suggestions. 

After students solved the mystery, he let them in on his secret. Dr. Page says he wants his staff and students to know there are benefits to AI if it is used correctly – just like prior technology that seemed unnerving at first. “AI is not all bad,” he says. “What we know to be true is there are always educational shifts and a lot of those are technological shifts in education.”  

AI Education Prepares Students for the Future

Officials from Gwinnett County Public Schools liken the academic imperative to driving a car. Before people get behind the wheel, they need to know the rules of the road and the basics of vehicle maintenance. Artificial intelligence necessitates a similar education, they say. 

An AI-ready student, as defined by the district, would be exposed to, if not well versed in, the areas of data science, mathematical reasoning, creative problem-solving, ethics, applied experiences, and programming. At a pilot group of schools, the district has embedded this learning framework in kindergarten through 12th-grade classrooms. “Students are hearing every day about how pervasive AI is and how it is in every industry,” says Ms. Holloway of the work she coordinates. “So I think they are interested to know more and really prepare themselves for their futures.”

Good Uses of Generative AI in Education

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Generative AI tools can support both teachers and students by enhancing personalized learning. These tools can analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses based on their past work and generate tailored content to address knowledge gaps. 

This process can happen in seconds, allowing for real-time feedback and boosting individual students' academic performance. By identifying students’ potential struggles, AI can help teachers personalize learning processes, assisting students in overcoming challenges even before they occur.

Boosting Student Engagement with AI Tools

Generative AI can also enhance student engagement by creating customized content that aligns with students' preferences and learning styles. For example, a student may prefer to review a short video on the same topic instead of reading long passages. AI tools can create these materials in seconds, helping to foster classroom engagement and learning. 

Making Education More Accessible with Generative AI

Generative AI has the potential to democratize education, making learning opportunities accessible to students who would otherwise encounter obstacles. For example, AI can help create customized content and assignments for students with different learning capabilities and styles, including those with disabilities.

In diverse classrooms with students of:

  • Different backgrounds
  • Economic statuses
  • Languages

Generative AI can assist educators in providing personalized, adaptive learning experiences to all students, fostering an inclusive and accessible learning environment. 

Streamlining Administrative Tasks with AI Tools

Educators' daily lives extend beyond teaching. They also involve many administrative, time-consuming tasks, including grading assignments and exams, preparing materials and lessons, filling out forms, and writing reports. Generative AI can streamline and speed up some tasks, allowing teachers to work less and devote more attention to students' needs. 

Supporting Creativity and Critical Thinking

Generative AI can be a valuable tool for enhancing students’ potential. By creating complex, unconventional scenarios in all disciplines (from math and history to arts and music), generative AI can challenge students' perspectives, prompting them to think critically to solve these problems. 

For creativity, generative AI tools can work as effective assistants in tasks like story drafting and image, video, or music generation. If used wisely, they are particularly suitable to boost intellectual creativity, help students at the beginning of their journey in a certain discipline, and overcome obstacles during creative processes, like mental blocks. 

Revolutionize Grading with EssayGrader: Save Time and Effort

Save 95% of your time grading school work with our tool to get high-quality, specific, and accurate writing feedback for essays in seconds with EssayGrader's grading software for teachers. Get started for free today!

What are Some AI-Powered Tools That Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

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1. EssayGrader: The AI Grading Tool for Teachers 

essay grader - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 60,000 educators worldwide. On average, it takes a teacher 10 minutes to grade a single essay, but with EssayGrader, that time is cut down to 30 seconds. That’s a 95 percent reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, teachers can:

  • Replicate their grading rubrics
  • Setup fully custom rubrics
  • Grade essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Use our AI detector to catch essays written by AI
  • Summarize essays with our Essay summarizer

Our AI tool helps primary school, high school, and college professors grade their students’ essays. On our platform, 60,000 teachers graded over half a million essays!   

2. Gradescope: An AI Grading Tool for Large Classrooms 

Gradescope by TurnItIn is a grading and assessment platform that helps teachers grade exams, quizzes, and other assignments more efficiently and accurately. Its automated grading system uses machine learning algorithms to grade exams and assignments, saving teachers significant time and effort. Its ability to handle large volumes of grading quickly and accurately makes it a valuable tool for teachers, particularly in large classes or when grading complex assignments.   

3. Beautiful AI: Create Engaging Presentations with AI 

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Beautiful AI is a presentation software and replacement for Microsoft PowerPoint. With it, users can create professional-quality graphics and visualizations using artificial intelligence. It provides a range of templates and design options, making it easy for users to create visually appealing materials without requiring extensive design skills.   

4. Trevor AI: Your New Personal Assistant 

Trevor AI is a productivity and personal assistant tool that helps teachers plan their daily schedules and manage tasks by connecting to their to-do lists and calendars. It allows them to schedule their tasks as time blocks in their calendar, helping them focus on one task at a time and reduce distractions. 

Trevor also offers features like auto-assigning task durations, scheduling suggestions, and reminders for overdue tasks. It can be used on the web and iOS devices for free. Give Trevor AI a try to improve control, clarity, and focus in your daily routine as a teacher.   

5. Tute AI: The Personal Tutor for Students

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Tute AI is an online tutoring platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to adapt to students' unique learning styles and needs. It creates personalized learning paths optimized for students' learning styles and requirements. 

Tute AI offers gamification and analytics features to track student progress and engagement, providing valuable insights into student learning. Tute AI can also create tests, generate answers, and create multiple-choice questions. Tute AI may be worth considering if you're a teacher or student looking for AI-powered tutoring 

solution that can adapt to your specific needs.   

6. Jupyter: An Interactive Learning Environment 

Jupyter is an open-source platform that allows users to create and share documents that contain:

  • Live code
  • Equations
  • Visualizations
  • Narrative text

It is widely used in data science and programming education and is particularly useful for creating interactive and dynamic materials for technical subjects.  

Jupyter's interactive features, such as the ability to run code and visualize data in real-time, make it a valuable tool for demonstrating concepts and providing 

hands-on learning experiences for students.   

7. ChatGPT: AI for Teacher Productivity 

chat gptWhat Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

As a teacher, you can use ChatGPT to brainstorm lesson plans, organize your to-do list, find resources for your classroom, and even generate personalized practice materials and quizzes for your students. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that allows users to communicate with it through natural language processing. 

Simply type in your question or request, and ChatGPT will respond or complete the task. ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help you save time and energy, allowing you to focus on what matters most, your students. To start using ChatGPT, type in your question or request and await your response. It's that easy!   

8. Learner-Centered: A Personalized Learning Experience 

Learner-centered learning management systems provide personalized and engaging learning experiences for students through features such as adaptive learning, gamification, and analytics. Their adaptive learning algorithms allow them to adjust the difficulty and content of lessons based on student performance, providing targeted instruction optimized for each student's unique learning style and needs.

The platform's analytics dashboard provides valuable insights into student learning and performance, including trends and patterns in student scores. These features make Learner-centered a valuable tool for personalized education.   

9. Nuance: Speech Recognition for the Classroom

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Nuance is a speech recognition tool that can transcribe live lectures and create note summaries on your classes, making reviewing and sharing information with students easier.  Nuance's Dragon Speech Recognition software can help teachers and students navigate documents and websites through verbal commands, achieving an impressive 99% accuracy rate.   

10. Grammarly: The AI Writing Assistant for Students 

Grammarly is a powerful AI editing tool that helps users improve their writing skills. It includes grammar and spelling checks, style and tone suggestions, and plagiarism detection. 

As a teacher, you can use Grammarly to help your students identify and correct errors in their writing and improve their work's overall quality and clarity. Grammarly can also help you detect plagiarism and ensure your students produce original and authentic content.   

11. Plag AI: AI for Detecting Plagiarism

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Plag.AI is a cutting-edge plagiarism detection tool that uses artificial intelligence to identify and flag potential instances of plagiarism in written work. Its advanced algorithms can identify subtle instances of plagiarism that other plagiarism detection tools may miss. 

The software is particularly useful for teachers because it helps them ensure their students produce original work and deter plagiarism in their classrooms.   

12. Quillbot: An AI Paraphrasing Tool 

QuillBot is particularly useful for students working on writing assignments or papers, as it can help them improve the overall quality and clarity of their writing. It can also be helpful for teachers as a tool for checking student work for plagiarism and helping students understand how to paraphrase and properly cite sources in their writing.  

Quilbot's advanced language processing capabilities and ability to generate unique versions of existing text make it valuable for improving writing skills and promoting academic integrity. It is free, but a paid version is available for additional features.   

13. Microsoft Copilot: Your AI Assistant 

microsoft copilot - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Microsoft Copilot is a ChatGPT-4 powered chatbot that can help you browse the web, answer questions, and more. It can be accessed through the Copilot website or Microsoft Edge browser and can be used to ask simple and complex queries and request summaries of:

  • Articles
  • Books
  • Events
  • News
  • Sports results and more

Microsoft Copilot can also be a creative tool, helping you write poems and stories or share project ideas.   

14. Claude: An AI Classroom Assistant 

Claude (claude.ai) is an AI assistant created by Anthropic. Claude can process large amounts of information, brainstorm ideas, generate text and code, help you understand subjects, coach you through difficult situations, help simplify your busy work so you can focus on what matters most, and more. It uses Constitutional AI to be safe, accurate, and secure.   

15. Perplexity: Another AI Chatbot 

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Perplexity is another generative AI chatbot that lets users ask questions and get responses conversationally. What sets Perplexity apart is that it cites easily clickable sources for more context and information.   

16. Google Gemini: Experimental AI Technology 

Google Gemini is an experimental conversational AI chat service developed by Google. Google Gemini is designed to engage in text-based conversations with users, offering responses and generating human-like dialogue. 

It uses advanced natural language processing techniques to understand and generate text in response to user prompts, making it a useful tool for natural language understanding and generation.   

17. Pi: Your Personal AI Companion 

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Pi is your AI companion, ready to assist you with various tasks and answer your queries. It's designed to be supportive, smart, and available whenever needed.   

18. Ideogram: Generate Images with AI 

Ideogram (ideogram.ai) is an AI image generator. Type a description of the image you'd like to generate - or choose features of the image from selectable options below the prompt. Ideogram generates your image and can improve your description/prompt with AI.   

19. AutoDraw: AI for Quick Image Creation 

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AutoDraw is a free, web-based drawing tool created by Google that uses artificial intelligence to help users create professional-looking drawings and illustrations quickly and easily. It has been around for a long time, and its simplicity means that anyone at any age can use it to try AI.   

20. Pictory: Create Videos with AI 

Pictory AI is a cool platform that makes it super easy to create engaging videos. It uses advanced AI technology to help you turn your written scripts or articles into captivating videos. You can even add your voice or use an AI voiceover to bring your video to life.   

21. Canva Magic Classroom: AI Tools for Educators 

Canva Magic Classroom is a suite of AI tools designed for educators. It includes features such as Magic Design, a free AI design tool for creating visual content, and Magic Write, an AI text generator and writer that assists in generating written content.   

22. Sendsteps.ai: Create Interactive Presentations 

Sendsteps.ai is an excellent AI for teachers, allowing them to easily and effectively engage their students during class or presentations. With Sendsteps.ai, teachers can generate interactive presentations based on a document or other information. They can ask their students questions and receive real-time feedback through smartphones or other devices. This allows teachers to gauge students' understanding of a topic, identify areas where students may struggle, and adjust their teaching accordingly.   

23. Canva: Design Presentations with AI 

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Canva has an intuitive user interface, allowing teachers to create custom designs easily. The tool offers a wide range of templates, graphics, and design tools, making it easy for teachers to create engaging and visually appealing presentations. 

Canva's AI technology generates quality content for your:

  • Presentation
  • Cover letter
  • Greeting card
  • Blog

Anything in between based on a few keywords making it easier for teachers to create professional-looking presentations or handouts without having inspiration or time. Teachers can collaborate with other educators or students in real time to adjust their presentations, making working on group projects or presentations easy. Canva's versatility and ease of use make it a top AI presentation tool for teachers.   

24. Yippity: Turn Text into Quizzes 

Yippity can easily transform any text or webpage into a quiz. Utilizing the text entered automatically generates questions and answers that can be copied and pasted into a flashcard app or quiz tool. 

Users can submit up to 10,000 characters of text from their notes or simply paste a webpage URL. Once submitted, Yippity generates questions and answers that can be easily shared with others using the share button.   

25. SlidesAI.io: Create Presentations with AI 

slides ai - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Slides AI offers a variety of presentation types to choose from, including general, educational, sales, and conference. This allows teachers to select the most suitable template for their needs and quickly create engaging presentations. The tool automates the slide creation using AI-powered technology, saving teachers time and effort. 

Teachers can simply input their text, choose the number of slides, and let SlidesAI.io transform the text into visually appealing slides. It is user-friendly and requires no technical expertise, making it easy for teachers to create professional presentations with just a few clicks.   

26. Diffit: Get Leveled Resources for Any Topic

Diffit allows you to get leveled resources for literally anything. You can adapt existing materials for any reader, generate “just right” resources for any topic, and then edit and share resources with students. 

How it works

  • Go to web.diffit.me
  • Enter a search for a topic, term, or question, enter a URL, or paste copied text. 
  • Choose a reading level and language and click "generate resources." 

Diffit will automatically generate tons of resources based on the content you provide. Its ever-growing library of templates gives teachers a few options for sharing content with students.   

27. MagicSchool.ai: AI for Teachers 

magic school - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

MagicSchool.ai is an AI-powered educational platform designed to help teachers save time by automating lesson planning, grading, and generating educational content. It offers over 40 AI tools that are searchable by keyword and categorized for planning, student support, community, productivity, and community tools. 

Magic School is trained on best practices for educators, compliant with FERPA, and declines non-education-related requests. Visit Magic School and choose a tool. From there, you will enter whatever information you need to generate the resource. For example, if you choose the YouTube Question Generator, you'll enter the grade level, number of questions, question type, and video URL.   

28. SchoolAI: An All-in-One AI Platform 

SchoolAI is an all-in-one AI platform for the classroom that's designed for K12 teachers and students. It offers teacher tools to complete tasks and student-facing custom AI chatbots. It includes built-in student monitoring and controls for teachers. Teachers sign up for a free account on SchoolAI.com and can choose from pre-made AI experiences or create custom experiences tailored to their curriculum and students' needs. 

They share an invite link with their students, who can interact with the AI experience without creating accounts themselves. Teachers can monitor and control the AI interactions in real-time, and the platform generates insights and summaries based on the student's engagement.   

29. Brisk Teaching: AI to Help Teachers 

brisk - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Brisk Teaching (briskteaching.com) is a free Chrome 

extension that uses AI to help teachers save time and improve their teaching methods. Brisk integrates with:

  • Google Classroom
  • Docs
  • Slides
  • YouTube
  • Canvas
  • Schoology

Teachers should be allowed to create instructional materials, provide feedback, evaluate student writing, adjust reading levels, generate personalized curricula, and analyze class progress. Install the Brisk Teaching Chrome extension and log in. Click the Brisk Teaching icon in the bottom right of Docs, Slides, Google Classroom, and more.   

30. Antimatter Sorcerer: An AI Chatbot for Classrooms 

Antimatter (antimatter.systems) has added to its fun meme and text messaging classroom tools with Sorcerer. Create a sorcerer or an AI chatbot and choose topics to discuss with your students. As students interact with the Sorcerer, it ranks their mastery of the topic, increasing it as the student shows more proficiency.   

31. TeachAid: Your AI Teaching Assistant 

teach aid - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

TeachAid (teachaid.ca) automates lesson prep as your AI teaching assistant. It includes lesson planning, assessment planning, interactive presentations, and learning activities. It includes several tools you'd find in different apps in one spot.   

32. Nolej: Generate Interactive Educational Content 

Nolej generates many interactive educational content, such as all-in-one courses, interactive videos, assessments, and plug-and-play content. Provide content like:

  • Text
  • Videos
  • Audio
  • YouTube
  • Websites, etc.

AI analyzes it and generates educational content. Afterward, you can embed, export, or integrate with your learning management system (LMS).   

33. Eduaide.ai: An AI Teaching Assistant 

eduaide - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Eduaide.ai is an AI-powered teaching assistant designed to help teachers with lesson planning, instructional design, and generating educational content. It offers a resource generator, teaching assistant, feedback bot, and AI chat.   

34. Khanmigo: An AI Tutor from Khan Academy 

Khanmigo is an AI-powered learning tool developed by Khan Academy that can be used as a virtual tutor and debate partner. Teachers can also use it to generate lesson plans and assist with other administrative tasks.   

35. Magic Padlet: AI for Padlet 

magic padlet - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Magic Padlet is a feature within Padlet that leverages AI to streamline the creation and organization of content on digital boards. It assists teachers in generating ideas, organizing information, and creating visually engaging content for classroom activities and collaborative projects. 

Educators input their content or ideas into Padlet, and Magic Padlet uses AI to suggest optimal ways to organize and enhance the material. It can automatically generate layouts, categorize information, and provide visual enhancements, making the content more engaging and accessible for students.   

36. Google NotebookLM: Your AI Research Assistant 

Google's NotebookLM summarizes your sources into text - and even audio. Resources to help you understand them better. Google calls it "your personalized AI research assistant." 

Users input their notes into NotebookLM, and the AI analyzes the content to create summaries, highlight key points, and suggest related information. The tool also allows users to search their notes using natural language queries, making it easier to find specific information.   

37. gotFeedback by gotLearning: AI Feedback for Teachers

got feedback - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

gotFeedback helps teachers provide more individualized feedback to their students on time. It's integrated into the gotLearning platform. It's modeled on the research that feedback needs to be:

  • Goal-referenced
  • tangible and transparent
  • Actionable
  • User-friendly
  • Timely
  • Ongoing
  • Consistent 

Choose what you want gotFeedback to provide feedback on. Upload a Word document, video, PDF file, scan work using the mobile app, or paste in text. It provides an evaluation you can use as a teacher or copy/paste to give to a student.   

38. Goblin Tools: Small Tools for Big Tasks 

Goblin Tools is a collection of small, simple, single-task tools designed to help neurodivergent people with tasks they find overwhelming or complicated. The tools include:

  • Magic ToDo
  • Formalize
  • Judge
  • Estimator
  • Compiler

To use Goblin Tools,  visit the website or download the app and select the tool you need. For example, to use Magic ToDo, users can enter a task and adjust the "spiciness level" to break it down into parts. Once the task is broken down, users can further simplify any subtasks and check off completed tasks.   

39. Hello History: Talk to Historical Figures 

hello history - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Hello History is an app that lets you have life-like conversations with historical figures. Get a personal perspective on life, history, and the world from some of the most influential figures of all time:

  • Cleopatra
  • Einstein
  • Buddha and more

Use the app (iOS and Android). Choose a historical character. Ask it questions and discuss.   

40. Suno: Generate Music with AI 

Suno is a generative AI music creation program that generates realistic songs combining vocals, instrumentation, or purely instrumental tracks. It operates by producing songs based on text prompts provided by users. Enter a text prompt describing the type of song you want, and Suno will generate a complete song with vocals and instrumentals based on that prompt.   

41. summarize.tech: Video Summarization Tool 

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Get a summary of any long YouTube video, like a lecture, live event or a government meeting. Powered by ChatGPT. It creates a summary with clickable timestamps that you can copy and paste to use anywhere.   

42. QuestionWell: Generate Questions with AI 

QuestionWell generates endless questions so teachers can focus on what matters. Just input some reading, and the AI will write:

  • Essential questions
  • Learning objectives
  • Aligned multiple-choice questions

Copy/paste a reading. Add a topic and any learning objectives/standards. The AI creates learning objectives and questions you can export.   

43. Formative AI: Assessments with AI 

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Formative has been an assignment and quiz platform for a long time, allowing teachers to ask students various question types. It has incorporated the power of ChatGPT to generate new standard-aligned questions and hints for learners and student feedback.   

44. Quizizz AI: Quiz Generation with AI

Quizizz AI is an artificial intelligence-powered tool that can generate multiple-choice questions with four answer options, of which one is the correct answer. Quizizz AI can automatically determine the appropriate number of questions to generate from the content provided. Quizizz AI can also modify existing manually created and AI-generated quizzes, with Enhance to customize activities according to students' needs.   

45. Conker: Create Quizzes with AI 

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Conker lets you create multiple-choice, read-and-respond, and fill-in-the-blank quizzes on specific topics for students at various levels. It will also let you copy/paste reading material to generate quizzes. Open Conker and provide some details about the quiz you want to create. Conker creates a short quiz you can assign to students with a code - or export to Google Forms. You can even create a printable question sheet and answer sheet.   

46. Twee: AI for English Lesson Planning 

Twee is an AI-powered tool designed to simplify lesson planning for English teachers by:

  • Generating questions
  • Dialogues
  • Stories
  • Letters
  • Articles
  • Multiple-choice questions
  • True/false statements and more  

47. MirrorTalk: An AI Study Tool 

mirror talk - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

MirrorTalk.ai is an innovative AI tool designed to enhance reflective thinking for both students and educators. It encourages users to articulate their learning experiences, goals, and challenges, providing AI-generated insights to foster deeper understanding, creativity, and problem-solving skills.   

48. Q-Chat: A Quizlet AI Tutor 

Q-Chat is an AI-powered tutoring assistant integrated into the Quizlet learning platform. It can answer questions, explain concepts, and provide study help across various subjects.   

49. Parlay Genie: Discussion Prompt Generator 

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Parlay Genie (part of Parlay) is a discussion prompt generator. It generates higher-order thinking questions for your class based on a topic, a YouTube video, or an article. It uses ChatGPT to generate prompts for your students.   

50. Vidnoz AI: Create Videos for Online Learning 

Let me start this list with Vidnoz AI, a tool that enables teachers to create engaging and professional online course videos and educational content. Vidnoz is simple and easy to use, allowing you to create and deliver video lessons that are visually appealing and tailored to your student’s needs in minutes, even if you have no editing skills. 

Vidnoz AI offers various features you, as a teacher, will find helpful. The platform provides access to various pre-made templates across various subjects, making designing videos that suit different learning objectives easy. With over 2,800 templates available (including multiple languages), including those for mainstream subjects like English, Physics, and Math, you can easily customize your lessons to align with your instructional goals.   

51. Semantic Scholar: AI for Academic Research 

semantic scholar - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Semantic Scholar is another powerful AI-powered tool for teachers and educators, especially those involved in academic research. You have been using Semantic Scholar for years, but adding AI features to its core functionality makes it an impressive academic search engine you don’t want to miss. Some features you like about this platform include TLDR, a lifesaver when you’re short on time but need to get the gist of a paper quickly. 

The concise summaries are usually spot-on, capturing the essence without overwhelming details. The AI-powered paper recommendations are another fantastic feature, especially for those constantly diving into new topics. It’s like having a research assistant who understands your interests and keeps feeding you relevant materials.   

52. ChatPDF: An AI PDF Reader 

ChatPDF is an AI tool that helps you interact with your PDFs and documents seamlessly and intuitively. Using ChatPDF, you can upload PDFs and converse with the content, asking questions and receiving detailed answers, complete with references to the original document. This feature works across multiple languages, making it versatile for a global audience. Another helpful feature of ChatPDF is the ability to upload multiple PDFs and interact with them in a single conversation. 

This is particularly useful for those working on projects that involve cross-referencing or synthesizing information from various sources. As soon as you upload a PDF, ChatPDF generates a quick summary and sample questions to get you started, which is a great time-saver. ChatPDF offers numerous organizational features, allowing you to sort your documents into folders for easy access and navigation.   

53. Fireflies: An AI Meeting Assistant 

fire flies - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

If you are looking for an AI-powered note-taker to help you capture essential insights from your meetings and discussions, Fireflies is a good option. At its core, Fireflies records meetings on platforms like:

  • Zoom
  • Google Meet
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Transcribes these recordings in real-time

The transcriptions are searchable and editable, allowing you to easily revisit specific parts of a conversation and extract key insights. For us teachers and educators, Fireflies can be a game-changer. You can use it to keep accurate and detailed records of important meetings, such as staff discussions, parent-teacher conferences, and professional development sessions. Instead of manually taking notes, you can focus on the conversation, knowing that Fireflies is capturing everything for you. The tool also makes sharing summaries and key points easier with colleagues, ensuring everyone stays informed and on the same page.   

54. Otter: Transcribe Live Lectures 

Otter is one of the best AI-driven transcription tools you have recommended for teachers and educators. It automatically transcribes spoken content, captures presentation slides, and generates summaries, making it invaluable for enhancing classroom collaboration. 

For us teachers, Otter simplifies the process of documenting lessons, meetings, and discussions. The live transcript feature allows you and your students to interact with the content in real time, adding comments, highlighting key points, and assigning action items directly within the transcript. This helps keep everyone engaged during the session and ensures that all important information is recovered.

Related Reading

Should Schools Ban or Integrate Generative AI in the Classroom?

man on a laptop- What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Since ChatGPT’s release on November 30, 2022, educators have been slow to address whether to allow its use in the classroom and how the tool affects pedagogy, student learning, and creativity. Debates have been intense among stakeholders, including:

  • Teachers
  • Parents
  • Students
  • Edtech developers

The opportunities for personalized learning, enhanced evaluations, and augmenting human performance against the risks of increased plagiarism and cheating, disinformation and discriminatory bias, and weakened critical thinking. 

Banning AI in Schools: The Case Against ChatGPT

End of May 2023, ChatGPT joined YouTube, Netflix, and Roblox on lists of websites either banned for school staff and students among various large U.S. school districts, where access would require special approval. The controversial movement to ban ChatGPT widely began when the two largest school districts in the nation, New York City Public Schools and Los Angeles Unified, blocked access to ChatGPT from school Wi-Fi networks and devices. Other districts soon followed suit.

Citing the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia restricted ChatGPT access since the chatbot may not be appropriate for minors. Texas’s Austin Independent School District cited similar concerns about academic integrity and child safety in its decision. Seattle Public Schools banned access to ChatGPT and six additional websites that provide AI-powered writing assistance, including Rytr, Jasper, and WordAI. While these were not full bans, student use restrictions affected teacher adoption and use. 

Rethinking Bans on ChatGPT: Addressing the Root Causes of Academic Cheating

One problem with banning or restricting ChatGPT is that students can always circumvent school-issued bans outside the classroom. ChatGPT and other chatbot tools are accessible from home or non-school networks and devices. 

Students could also use other third-party writing tools since banning the growing number of websites and applications driven by generative AI would be impractical. Besides, bans may only be band-aid solutions, distracting from our school systems' root causes of inefficacy. Concerns about ChatGPT-enabled cheating might instead point to a need to change how teachers assess students. 

Balancing Concerns and Opportunities: Rethinking ChatGPT Bans in Education

The biggest problem is that this approach could cause more harm than good, especially if the benefits and opportunities are not weighed. ChatGPT can enrich learning and teaching in K -12 classrooms, and a full ban might deny students and teachers potential opportunities to leverage the technology for instruction or lesson development. 

Instead of universally banning ChatGPT, school districts should recognize that adoption and use needs may vary by teacher, classroom, and student. 

Imagine using ChatGPT for a history vs. an art class, for students whose first language is not English, and for students with learning disabilities. Different issues can pop up in various use cases, so across-the-board bans, and even restrictions for that matter, could limit the ability of students and instructors to take advantage of relevant learning benefits and, in turn, have effects on adoption and use during postsecondary opportunities, or in the workplace. 

Integrating AI in Schools: The Case for ChatGPT

New York City Public Schools, the first school system to block access to ChatGPT, was also the first to reverse its ban. Within four months of the initial ban, the reversal came after tech industry representatives and educators convened to evaluate emerging risks and understand how to leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities for the better. 

To support teachers, NYC school district leaders have promised to provide resources developed by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) and real-life examples of successful AI implementation from classrooms that have been early adopters of technology. The district also plans to create a shared repository to track each school’s progress and share findings across schools. 

Integrating AI in Education: Strategies from Schools Embracing Generative Tools

Schools like Peninsula School District in Washington had already been working to integrate AI into their curricula, so when ChatGPT arrived, they were prepared: digital learning teams visited classrooms across different grade levels to share how language models work and how to identify and leverage AI-generated content. 

Alliance City School District in Ohio also embraces ChatGPT’s potential, resolving to set boundaries on its usage to prevent misuse proactively. In Lower Merion School District, students from Pennsylvania will hone their critical thinking skills by analyzing and editing AI-generated writing. In all the above cases, responsibly integrating generative AI as a teaching tool will require school districts to invest in proper oversight procedures and professional development for educators. 

Empowering Educators: Training and Resources for Effective AI Integration in Schools

Garden City Public Schools in New York has held training sessions for educators to demonstrate the capabilities of different generative AI tools and how to incorporate them effectively and tailor materials to students’ needs. Schools like Norway-Vulcan Area Schools in Michigan also plan to provide professional development opportunities for teachers and strengthen the school community’s understanding of its honor code and plagiarism policies. 

The district has encouraged teachers to use Turnitin’s AI detector to check for cases of plagiarism as they prepare to teach with generative AI in the fall.

Cautious Integration of Generative AI in Education: Case Studies from Texas Schools

Some schools are being more cautious as they integrate generative AI. Mineral Wells Independent School District has adopted a more careful approach, testing generative AI use in an experimental set of classrooms and sending instructors for general AI training. 

In Texas, Eanes Independent School District is similarly focused on helping teachers make the most of generative AI as they first try ChatGPT for administrative use cases, like scheduling or lesson planning. 

Placing AI Under Review: A Cautious Approach to ChatGPT in Schools0

While districts like:

  • Prince George’s County (MD)
  • Jefferson County (KY)
  • Chicago (IL) 

They have not banned ChatGPT, but they have reviewed the chatbot. School districts that haven’t acted yet are watching and waiting; most fall into this category. 

A recent survey by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) found that less than 10% of schools have implemented guidance on generative AI. Of the schools with policies in place, 40% reported that the guidance was only communicated verbally, not in writing. 

The Urgent Need for Transparency and Guidance in Generative AI Use in Schools

Just as we demand transparency from developers on how AI is built, we need to provide transparency for students and teachers on how AI can be used. More schools need to issue formal guidance on generative AI. A nationwide survey of K-12 teachers revealed that 72% still need advice on generative AI use. The more extended schools delay their deliberation of bans or integrated use of new generative AI technologies, the higher the stakes, especially with a new school year on the horizon. 

As one of many generative AI tools being used for education, ChatGPT is increasingly accessed by students and teachers, and the absence of institutional policies may enable counterproductive use cases. Without an educational sandbox for generative AI usage, schools risk having students deploy these rapidly developing technologies unplanned, with unintended outcomes that affect safety, equity, and learning. 

Proactive Governance of Generative AI in Education: A Call to Action for School Districts

School districts also have a critical opportunity to govern the use and misuse of generative AI tools before the academic year begins. Districts can shape its use and role in the future of education instead of letting generative AI write it for them. In California, education policy researchers have made a similar call to action. 

National concerns around the digital divide in education can make technology more functional in bridging learning gaps created by the lack of home internet. However, that also means schools must support the equitable distribution of generative AI benefits. Being proactive about the adoption and use of generative AI will prepare school districts to set precedents for future technologies in the classroom. 

Practical Tips for Using AI in Education

a classroom - What Are Some AI-Powered Tools Teachers Can Use in the Classroom?

Identify Successful Use Cases  

Generative AI opens up a world of possibilities for education, but you should thoroughly research its successful use cases before implementing it in the classroom. Start by investigating studies on generative AI in education to understand its benefits and limitations better. 

Brainstorm practical ways to implement generative AI in your course and identify potential pitfalls. For example, some promising use cases can enhance classroom learning:

  • Developing critical thinking
  • Creative writing and visualization
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Language learning
  • Historical role-play 

Set Clear Guidelines  

Before introducing generative AI in the classroom, you should fully know its capabilities and limitations. In this research phase, you should also check whether the technology aligns with your educational institution’s values, missions, and rules and how it can create added value in your course. Only then will you be ready to introduce generative AI to your students? Transparency is important here to ensure everyone is on the same page. 

State the course’s generative AI policies, identifying situations where the use of generative AI is prohibited. When generative AI is allowed, you should explain how to document and credit content, providing recommendations and examples. These rules regarding documentation and attribution should also apply to you if you use generative AI while preparing your materials. 

Monitor the Tool  

Generative AI is a powerful technology, but it needs to be bulletproof. It can be subject to hallucinations, or it may not work as you expected. You should control what my students see on their screens. 

This may only be technologically feasible in some scenarios, and it could raise concerns about students' privacy. Given the current state of generative AI, establishing trusting relationships with students and designing clear guidelines and policies is the most effective strategy to ensure correct use. 

Generative AI Ethical Considerations and Best Practices  

As always occurs with emerging technologies, with power comes responsibility. Despite generative AI's unique capabilities, it’s important to consider its potential risks and ethical considerations. 

Privacy and Data Security

Generative AI models are trained with vast amounts of data extracted indiscriminately from the Internet, often containing personal data. This can lead to issues and risks related to data privacy and security, especially if sensitive personal data are disclosed. 

Transparency and Attribution

GenAI systems are black boxes, which implies that it is difficult to understand how they arrived at a particular response or what factors led to their decision-making. This can lead to serious attribution problems in education, as instructors won’t know the author of a given work, whether the student or generative AI.

Addressing Bias and Accuracy

Biased GenAI tools can result in harmful outputs that often exacerbate discrimination and stereotypes, particularly against minority groups. AI researchers are working hard to address bias and improve the accuracy of generative AI models. To learn more about the subject, check out Understanding and Mitigating Bias in Large Language Models

Digital Divide

If wrongly implemented, generative AI threatens to widen the digital divide. If generative AI is set to become ubiquitous, every student should have equal access to this technology, meaning everyone should have a digital device and internet connection. 

A possible solution would be to entrust educational institutions to provide equal access, but this would require considerable resources that many centers, especially in poor areas, don’t have. This is a critical concern that should be addressed carefully. We risk widening the distance between the poor and the rich.

Related Reading

Save Time While Grading Schoolwork with EssayGrader's Grading Software for Teachers

Of course, you can grade students’ essays manually. But who wants to do that anymore? Not only is it tedious, but it’s also time-consuming and takes away from your ability to teach and support your students. When you use EssayGrader to help with grading, you’ll keep the grading process in your control and customize it to meet your preferences. You can even use the program to catch cheating so you can return to what matters: helping your students learn. 

Save Time, Reduce Stress

EssayGrader is the most accurate AI grading platform trusted by 60,000 educators worldwide. On average, a teacher takes 10 minutes to grade a single essay. With EssayGrader, that time is cut down to just 30 seconds. That’s a 95 percent reduction in the time it takes to grade an essay, with the same results. 

With EssayGrader, teachers can replicate their grading rubrics, so AI doesn’t have to do the guesswork to set the grading criteria. The platform allows:

  • Fully custom rubrics
  • Grading essays by class
  • Bulk upload of essays
  • Summarizes essays with essay summarizer

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